Cisco 2600 router and Telnet
Michael Hertrick
m.hertrick at
Fri May 2 06:12:38 CEST 2003
Try setting a short idle timeout for telnet sessions (much less than your
service check interval). Some versions of the IOS, if not all, do not
timeout telnet sessions by default.
line vty 0 4
session-timeout 1
Sets the timeout to 1 minute.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Powell" <mpowell at>
To: "Brad Dunn" <Brad at>; <nagios-users at>
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 11:29 AM
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Cisco 2600 router and Telnet
> Cisco's have a limited number of VTY's available for interactive network
> sessions (5 I think). It seems to me that the router is waiting for the
> connection that Nagios is making to result in an actual login and not
> timing out properly if it doesn't. This isn't a Nagios specific issue as
> I'll bet that if you repeatedly telnet'd to the port and immediately
> dropped the connection a number of times you'd see the same behavior. If
> it were me I would either a) look at upgrading the current running IOS
> on that router to see if that corrected the issue or b) not do telnet
> checks as a telnet failure on a Cisco router is an exceedingly rare
> occurrence that doesn't usually affect any other services the router is
> providing.
> marc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Dunn [mailto:Brad at]
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 6:57 PM
> To: 'nagios-users at'
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Cisco 2600 router and Telnet
> Hey there, I wasn't sure if this is the best place to send this, but I
> thought id just see if there was anyone out there who had been involved
> with
> a similar issue.
> In a nutshell all my nagios runs sweet without to many problems.
> However,
> the only thing I've noticed, is I have a check on telnet on a Cisco
> 2600.
> This is what the check looks like.
> [checkcommands.cfg]
> # 'check_telnet' command definition
> define command{
> command_name check_telnet
> command_line $USER1$/check_tcp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 23
> }
> [services.cfg]
> # Service definition
> define service{
> use generic-service ; Name
> of
> service template to use
> host_name Cisco-2600
> service_description PING
> is_volatile 0
> check_period 24x7
> max_check_attempts 3
> normal_check_interval 1
> retry_check_interval 1
> contact_groups router-admins
> notification_interval 240
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_options c,r
> check_command check_ping!500.0,20%!700.0,60%
> }
> Now my only problem, is that every now and then telnet just dies, and I
> am
> unable to login to the router remotely. Now before I was doing nagios
> checks
> every so often, back when I didn't use nagios, telnet has NEVER died. I
> was
> just wondering, is it at all possible that maybe the telnet sessions
> aren't
> being established or closed off properly or something like that?
> If anyone has a better way to check the service as well id like to hear
> it.
> Thanks a lot.
> b r a d d u n n
> s y s t e m s a d m i n i s t r a t o r
> . . .
> pretzelLogic
> Ph: +61 8 9218 8588
> Fax: +61 8 9218 8599
> Lvl 9 256 adelaide tce perth wa 6000
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