Error while starting nagios
Michael Hüttig
Michael.Huettig at
Fri May 2 09:52:23 CEST 2003
Am Freitag, 2. Mai 2003 08:32 schrieb Theo Hollenberg:
> Ladies/Gents,
> This server used to be a happy chappy, gently buzzing away running
> nagios and all of a sudden it stopped. Now, whatever I try I get this:
> [root at brain root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios start
> Starting network monitor: nagios
> NAGIOS CRITICAL - could not find status log: /var/log/nagios/status.log
> [root at brain root]#
> What is happening here, where did I go wrong?
Hi Theo,
mostly you got this problem, if user nagios has no permission to write the status.log-file. This happened when you start nagios as root, file would be
created as root, shutting down nagios and starting with rc-script would start
a the defined user of your compiling-options...
Mit freundlichem Gruß
> Kind regards,
> Theo Hollenberg
> Data Center Manager
> Global Switch Amsterdam
> Tel. +31 (0)20 6666 375
> Fax. +31 (0)20 6666 395
> Mob. +31 (0)6 2219 6915
> Email. thollenberg at
Michael Hüttig
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