Problem plugin
kleysonr at
Mon May 5 21:31:14 CEST 2003
What the problem in the plugin? In the netsaint the follow plugin working very well, but in the nagios do not work.
The plugin uses SNMP to find out whether a particular port on a Cisco router is up.
Check interfaces : snmpwalk <host> <community> .
check_ciscoif -H <ip_router> -c public -i Serial1/0.1
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
#use lib $main::runtimedir;
use vars qw( $host $port $community $oid $interface $session $error $verbose $opt_V $opt_h $response $runtimedit $PROGNAME $exval $result );
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::SNMP qw( snmp_event_loop );
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
$port = '161';
$oidstr = '';
$oid = '';
# ifOperStatus: operational status of an interface
# Values for each interface are:
# 1 - up
# 2 - down
# 3 - testing
# 4 - unknown
# 5 - dormant
# 6 - not present
# 7 - lower layer down
("V" => $opt_V, "version" => $opt_V,
"h" => $opt_h, "help" => $opt_h,
"v" => $verbose, "verbose" => $verbose,
"H=s" => $host, "host=s" => $host,
"p:i" => $port, "port:i" => $port,
"i=s" => $interface, "interface=s" => $interface,
"c=s" => $community, "community=s" => $community);
# Parse the standard options.
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,' $Revision: 1.1 $ '); #'
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
$host = shift unless ($host);
if (!defined $host || !defined $interface || !defined $community) {
exit 1;
# Install the signal handler.
$SIG{ INT } = &handler;
# Make an SNMP client object.
print "Connecting to $community@$host:$portn" if ($verbose);
( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => shift || $host,
-community => shift || $community,
-port => shift || $port
if( ! defined( $session ) ) {
print STDERR "Error establishing SNMP connection to $host, abortingn";
exit 1;
# Use it to get the service table.
# Get INTEGER interface
print "Requesting $oidstrn" if ($verbose);
$response = $session->get_table($oidstr);
EXIT: foreach $key (sort keys %$response) {
if($$response{$key} eq $interface) {
($f,$f,$f,$f,$f,$f,$f,$f,$f,$f,$interface) = split(/./,$key);
last EXIT;
# Get STATUS interface
$snmpIfOperStatus = $oid . "." . $interface;
print "Requesting $snmpIfOperStatusn" if ($verbose);
$result = $session->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$snmpIfOperStatus]
$response = 0;
$response = $result->{$snmpIfOperStatus}; # Default is CRITICAL: The service isn't listed.
snmp_event_loop(); # Here it may get softened as we parse the reply.
# Deal with out-of-bounds answers.
if (($response < 0) || ($response > ) { $response = 8; }
# Map SNMP result codes to Netsaint result codes.
print "INTERFACE "
. ("CRITICAL: i/f $interface not listed or no reply",
"OK: i/f $interface is UP",
"CRITICAL: i/f $interface is DOWN",
"WARNING: i/f $interface is TESTING",
"CRITICAL: i/f $interface ststus is UNKNOWN",
"WARNING: i/f $interface is DORMANT",
"CRITICAL: i/f $interface is NOT PRESENT",
"CRITICAL: i/f $interface status is 'LOWER LAYER DOWN'",
"CRITICAL: i/f $interface listed with undecipherable value",
. "n";
$exval = (2,0,2,1,2,1,2,2,2)[$response];
#print $response;
exit $exval;
#exit 0;
#print "->response: $response ->exval: $exvaln";
# Signal handler, probably nearly always triggered by SIGINT.
sub handler
die "Received signal SIG".( shift );
# User-friendliness, such as it is.
sub print_usage () {
print "Usage:
$PROGNAME -H hostname [ -p port ] -c community -i interface [--verbose]
$PROGNAME --help
$PROGNAME --version
sub print_help () {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.1 $ ');
print "Copyright (c) 2001 Tim Deegan
Check NT service list for a particular service, by SNMP
print "
-H --host=HOST
Choose host to query
-p --port=PORT
Pick a port number (default is 161)
-s --interface=INTERFACE
Which interface name to check
-c --community=COMMUNITY
SNMP community string
-v, --verbose
Print some extra debugging information (not advised for normal operation)
-V, --version
Show version and license information
-h, --help
Show this help screen
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