NagMIN Update Information - Releases - Beta - French

Fred Reimers FReimers at
Wed May 7 20:11:21 CEST 2003


I haven't seen any problems with contacts or commands.  Does this happen when you run setup and what version were you loading?

The command name and contact group names shouldn't and really can't be blank as they're required index fields for the database.  

This may be something I haven't seen before that's different with your configuration files. 
I'll test it out for you and fix whatever might be the problem if you send me a sanitized version of your configs.

Also, make sure that you've tried it with version 1.3.2.  There were problems loading service information (not command) in the previous version.


Version 1.4.0 will be out in a couple of days.  This adds support for delineating Nagios directories for platform independence and fixes a bug with uploading icon files.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Travis Llewellyn [mailto:travisll at]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 12:33 PM
To: Fred Reimers
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] NagMIN Update Information - Releases - Beta
- French

I have one question about nagmin, Whenever I go to look at the table for
the commands, all the command names are blank same for the contact
groups, the contact group name is blank on them all.

Is there any reason why.

BTW I have done a complete blank reinstall of Nagios and Nagmin just to
see if I missed something.

Travis Llewellyn

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Reimers [mailto:FReimers at] 
Posted At: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 3:34 PM
Posted To: Nagios Lists
Conversation: NagMIN Update Information - Releases - Beta - French
Subject: [Nagios-users] NagMIN Update Information - Releases - Beta -


I noticed that a lot of people downloaded NagMIN version 1.3.1.  There
are problems with the setup utility not creating service entries.
You'll need to install 1.3.2 to correct the problem.

I want to thank all of you who have provided feedback and asked for
support.  It's helping make NagMIN a better application, but it's not
been as stable as I thought it would be due to the new features I've
added that I hadn't planned.  The major feature being centralized
management.  As a result, there isn't any detailed documentation, and I
haven't had time to fully tested every release that I've put out there.
There have also been some major bugs for which I apologize.  The biggest
I've had is correctly setting and using NULL values in the db schemas.
I should have read more about MySQL before starting.  The current
version should have that under control.

The only major bug in the current release, that might not be corrected,
is a problem adding time periods.  I haven't had any problems with this
but I will investigate it.  There are a couple of other minor things
that will be corrected.

The major feature request I've received is to parameterize all of the
Nagios directories for installations where nagios has been placed in
some ../bin directory, cgis somewhere else, etc..  This will require a
major change to the setup utility and also to the webmin module.  Since
NagMIN can centrally manage multiple servers, the directories might be
in a different place on each server.  These parameters will be
configured on a per database(system) basis in the new System table. It's
going to take a week or so before the next release will show up and
integration with MRTG (which I need) will take a little bit longer.

NagMIN will also support French in the next release due to the efforts
of Pierre-Antoine Angelini, which I appreciate greatly.

I'm going to change the status of the project back to beta as I don't
want to misrepresent the current quality of the software.  I see that a
lot of people are downloading it and I want you to be able to use it
successfully.  It will probably take another month or two for it to
mature a bit more.

Make sure that you read the release notes for any new releases.

Fred Reimers (CCIE #1469, CCSA)
Senior Network Consultant
Info Systems, Inc.
freimers at


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