Rewriting nsclient? (was NSClient Installation Problem)
Carroll, Jim P [Contractor]
jcarro10 at
Thu May 8 19:14:39 CEST 2003
FWIW, there's always FireDaemon for turning binaries into a service:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk [mailto:roy at]
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 9:40 AM
> To: Tim Shouldice; testrm at;
> nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Re: Rewriting nsclient? (was NSClient
> Installation Problem)
> > Coding on Windows is a horrible task, coding a service is
> even worse, given
> > that how can I make it as painless as possible?
> I don't thinks Windoze is a horrible OS to code on, given you
> understand
> Windoze. Also: You can create services with a small wrapper
> of virtually any
> executable.
> > Perl would be nice, however requiring NT admins to install
> Perl on their
> > boxes is sometimes hard, some NT admins believe WSH is all
> they'll ever
> > need and think Perl is something they buy at a jewelry store.
> you can compile a perl script into an .exe file. although
> it's not an optimal
> solution, it can be a solution for sysadmins that don't want
> perl on their
> windoze boxes. I really don't think this'll be a big problem,
> as Nagios
> itself must run on a unix host, there's always unix people
> around to talk to
> the children (read: Windoze admins)
> > C++ requires either Visual Studio or C++ builder. Hell will
> freeze over
> > before I buy a product from MS.
> >
> > Buy C++ builder and start from scratch or Delphi and build
> on what was
> > already done.
> My point exactly. I don't want to buy any software to change
> the product!
> > Building on what is already done was easier and Pascal isn't a hard
> > language to work in, if find it easier than C and C++.
> Although this is the
> > first time I've coded in Pascal in over a dozen years.
> >
> > For non-commercial use (and I believe writing GPL code is
> non-commercial),
> > Delphi only costs a hundred bucks, a pretty decent deal to me.
> Still:
> Pascal is a dead language. It'll be harder and harder to find
> people to
> maintain the source. This piece of software will probably be
> rewritten pretty
> soon anyway, so why not now?
> roy
> --
> Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk, Datavaktmester
> ProntoTV AS -
> Tel: +47 9801 3356
> Computers are like air conditioners.
> They stop working when you open Windows.
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