Disk Spcae - CPU Utilization
chris at kive.net
chris at kive.net
Thu May 8 22:47:14 CEST 2003
In your nagios/libexec directory (assuming you have installed the plugins
available from www.nagios.org under downloads), you should have access to
the check_load and check_disk utilities. Both of these support the ability
for you to differentiate warning levels from critical levels. Nagios can
alert you appropriately from there.
If you want graphical reporting, above the level provided by the Nagios
interface, you might want to look into compiling database support into
your Nagios installation so you can use something like MySQL, then you
could use the reporting tool of your choice.
Hope this helps!
>I am trying to add the ability to see the current disk space utilization
>and CPU utilization into my Nagios installation for all of my monitored
>Does anyone know of a remote reporting facility built into nagios that
>will display CPU and disk information? I want to graphically see the
>Secondly, if there is no built in method to report CPU and disk
>information, does anyone have any scripts that will email your alert
>contacts when a thresh hold is reached?
>Thanks in advance for any knowledge you can pass along.
>Charles Barr
Enterprise Linux Forum Conference & Expo, June 4-6, 2003, Santa Clara
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