AW: Notification Problem on Escalations with yaps- 0.96 (parallelizing)
Michael Hüttig
Michael.Huettig at
Fri May 9 13:36:17 CEST 2003
Am Dienstag, 6. Mai 2003 14:31 schrieb Hagen Deike:
Hi Hagen,
thank you for the yaps-server, this was the right idea, but one more question:
Which command have you defined for notifiing via sms? Tell me, how comes the
notfication of nagios into the pipe?
Here is my command:
# 'notify-by-sms' command definition
define command{
command_name notify-by-sms
command_line /usr/bin/yaps -t $CONTACTPAGER$ "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$:
# 'host-notify-by-sms' command definition
define command{
command_name host-notify-by-sms
command_line /usr/bin/yaps -t $CONTACTPAGER$ "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$:
> Hi,
> For all of you having trouble by sending SMS to more that one with Yaps I
> got a little script for you...
> "yaps-server" is a shell script that takes the requests from Nagios and
> sends them one by one.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Copy the script some where you like e.g. /usr/bin
> Create a pipe like discribed in the script ( /var/spool/nagios/yaps.cmd)
> (This is the place where the Nagios commandfile is created on SuSE Linux)
> Make sure the yaps-server is allways started when Nagios starts.
> (Add a few lines to the Nagios start/stop script)
> YAPS_SERVER=/usr/bin/yasp-server
> PIDS=$(ps -auxw|grep $YAPS_SERVER | grep -v grep | awk "{printf(\"%d \",
> \$2); }")
> test -n "$PIDS" && kill -TERM $PIDS
> su $USR -c "exec $YAPS_SERVER &"
> (This will probably only work with the start/stop script of the Nagios rpm
> for SuSE. Anyway give it a try)
> Restart Nagios and look if the process is up and running
> You can test it by typing following to the shell
> # echo "<your mobile phone number>" "\"<Your message goes here>\"" >
> /var/spool/nagios/yaps.cmd
> If it works, just change the configuration string in Nagios (command_line)
> into the command you just entered...
> That's it.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> I like to thank my collegue here for writing this small fine script.
> Regards,
> Hagen Deike
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