non-password protected page for general viewing
Carroll, Jim P [Contractor]
jcarro10 at
Mon May 12 20:10:27 CEST 2003
Two options (to my knowledge):
1) Disable user authentication.
Impact: If someone adds a comment or schedules downtime,
you won't know who that is. Also, it could potentially
be a free-for-all, but it sounds like you're ready to
accept that risk.
2) Create another path/tree for Apache to work with.
I'd read this solution/workaround some months ago. I don't
have the info at my fingertips, but essentially you make a copy
of the share and sbin directories (*without* the .htaccess files),
put them in new directories
(eg, guestshare and guestsbin), tweak httpd.conf accordingly,
remove the CGIs from the new directory that you don't want them
executing, restart Apache, and you should be good to go. Naturally
your 'guest' users will need a slightly different URL, but that
should be the only noteworthy difference from their POV. Other
than not needing to authenticate, that is.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conklin, Russ [mailto:Russ_Conklin at]
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 12:18 PM
> To: 'nagios-users at'
> Subject: [Nagios-users] non-password protected page for
> general viewing
> I have nagios all setup and really love how it works. My
> only question is,
> how do I set up a page (specifically the "Status Overview" page) to be
> non-password protected. I'd like general users in the office
> to be able to
> view this page without entering a username/password. I'm not
> too worried
> about users turning off notifications, etc, so thats not a problem.
> Has anyone done something like this?
> thanks,
> Russ
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