Report question
Carroll, Jim P [Contractor]
jcarro10 at
Tue May 13 00:43:54 CEST 2003
Options (off the top of my head):
- there's nothing canned in Nagios that I think would do the 3-D graphing
- in a Linux environment, you could consider implementing Sarvant
- if you want time-series graphing, consider RRDtool/APAN
- if you don't mind deviating from Nagios, there's Cricket and others
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Farr [mailto:ianf at]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 1:14 PM
To: Nagios Users List (E-mail)
Subject: [Nagios-users] Report question
Hello all,
I was just wondering if anyone out there is generating some pretier reports (with nice 3D graphs and all to make upper managment go oohh and ahh - that sort of thing)??
Also - anyway to automate the creation of the reports? We have to create monthly reports for individual systems or groups of systems and have the stats available for every day of the month with averages and everything, and so are looking for a way to integrate/automate this with nagios.
Thanks again for all your help..
Ian Farr
Director of Network Infrastructure
514-289-9090 ext 234
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