Checking an MSSQL
Tom.DeBlende at
Tue May 13 15:01:37 CEST 2003
Try the script in the contrib:
Ian Farr wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to check an MS SQL 2000 database, and was wanting to know
> if there are any people out there doing this already.
> I know I can check the NT service with NSClient, but I wanted to do
> something a little more than that to make sure that the SQL service is
> indeed accepting requests and processing them.
> My idea was to have an ODBC connection from the nagios box to the MS SQL
> box and process the following:
> 1 - read data from a table
> 2- write new data to a table
> 3 - read the new data from a table to make sure that it worked
> 4 - delete data from the table
> 5 - read the table again to make sure that the data is gone.
> any ideas if something like this exists before I go down the road of
> trying to create my own script with unix ODBC and all that???
> Thanks for the help..
> ____________________
> Ian Farr
> Director of Network Infrastructure
> 514-289-9090 ext 234
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