Undetermined Time for hosts and hostgroups
Anthony Brock
Anthony_Brock at ous.edu
Tue May 13 18:51:05 CEST 2003
I have recently installed nagios for testing and evaluation. While
most everything seems to be working well (VERY nice product, BTW!), I
am baffled by the availability reports concerning hosts (and
hostgroups). After looking through the documentation and FAQ, I'm
hoping that I can find some assistance here.
The services appear to properly reflect up, down, unreachable and
undetermined times. However, the hosts are ALWAYS listed as 100%
undetermined. Does anyone know how to correct this? Or is this an
expected "feature"?
Thanks in advance!
Anthony Brock
Unix Administrator/Network Engineer
Oregon University System
Chancellor's Office
(541) 737-9607
Anthony_Brock at ous.edu
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