Service Pending state
Daniel nagios
nagios_news=PkbjNfxxIARBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Wed May 14 06:37:07 CEST 2003
To simplify config updates by putting in services that aren't yet
commissioned however will need to be captured when turned on. We have a
freshness check which turns service into "unknown" after a given time and
this affect these extra service - our service have been put in Template form
to reduce rework for serveral thousand services. This template form makes it
hard to turn of the freshness check for individual services. Thus the need
to give a pending state
>From: "Tom DE BLENDE" <Tom.DeBlende=ZTFiZD7SMYs at>
>To: Daniel nagios <nagios_news=PkbjNfxxIARBDgjK7y7TUQ at>
>CC: nagiosplug-help=5NWGOfrQmneRv+LV9MX5uipxlwaOVQ5f at,
>Nagios-users=5NWGOfrQmneRv+LV9MX5uipxlwaOVQ5f at
>Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Service Pending state
>Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 08:57:23 +0200
>Daniel nagios wrote:
>>Hi there,
>>Is there a way to force the services back into the pending state?
>Why on earth would you want to do that?
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