Special check_http variation
Matthias Eichler
mylists at ame.de
Wed May 14 11:25:37 CEST 2003
Hi List,
we have some special software running which gives some jpeg and
motion-jpeg output of some videostream. Unfortunately this software
is not very stable, so I wanted to monitor it with check_http.
The image can be downloaded via
The motion jpeg stream can be get as an octet-stream via
The command "./check_http -I" brings the correct 404 page,
because there is no directory index.
The command "./check_http -I -u /cgi-bin/image" brings a
timeout after 10 seconds, although I can telnet to that address and can
download the image via "GET /cgi-bin/image".
Can anybody give us some hint?!?
Would be great and feel free to try the URL...
Matthias Eichler
Matthias Eichler <mylists at ame.de>
AME Aigner Media & Entertainment
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