Check_snmp Issue *RESOLVED*
Aaron Conaway
Aaron.Conaway at
Fri May 16 23:44:20 CEST 2003
I killed all the MIBs installed after the install of the OS and it works like a champ now.
Thanks to everyone.
Aaron Conaway
Network Engineer III
Verisign, Inc. -- Telecom Services Division
Office: 912.527.4343
Fax: 912.527.4014
-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Conaway
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 2:18 PM
To: Subhendu Ghosh
Cc: Dean Bishop; nagios-users at
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Check_snmp Issue
Same thing.
[nagios at palpatine libexec]$ ./check_snmp -H ******** -o . -C ******** SNMP WARNING - 107
Aaron Conaway
Network Engineer III
Verisign, Inc. -- Telecom Services Division
Office: 912.527.4343
Fax: 912.527.4014
-----Original Message-----
From: Subhendu Ghosh [mailto:sghosh at]
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 12:16 PM
To: Aaron Conaway
Cc: Dean Bishop; nagios-users at
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Check_snmp Issue
You are getting the warnings because some of the MIBs in your installation
are not parsing cleanly. check_snmp will load all the mibs in the path in
order to translate ifnumber.0 into . If there are
errors reading the mibs, there is error on stderr, hence the warning.
If you can run check_snmp with the explicit OID, then you can add "-m : "
switch which essentially creates an empty path list to search for mibs.
With no mibs being read - you shouldn't have any parsing issue and
check_snmp will run a bit faster as well.
On Fri, 16 May 2003, Aaron Conaway wrote:
> Dean,
> Thanks for the reply, but I get warnings (or criticals) no matter what
> OID I use.
> [nagios at palpatine libexec]$ ./check_snmp -H ******** -C ******** -o
> sysName.0 SNMP WARNING - "********" [nagios at palpatine libexec]$
> ./check_snmp -H ******** -C ******** -o sysUpTime.0 SNMP WARNING -
> Timeticks: (509177416) 58 days, 22:22:54.16 [nagios at palpatine
> libexec]$ ./check_snmp -H ******** -C ******** -o sysContact.0 SNMP
> WARNING - "****@****.com"
> I also got an email from Fredrik Wänglund (thanks, Fredrik) suggesting
> using "check_udp", but I get the following result; I've tried using
> both hostname and IP address.
> [nagios at palpatine libexec]$ ./check_udp -H ******** -p 161 Host name
> was not supplied
> Usage: check_udp -H <host_address> [-p port] [-w warn_time] [-c crit_time]
> [-e expect] [-s send] [-t to_sec] [-v]
> It seems that my box just does not want to use SNMP at all. :(
> ----------
> Aaron Conaway
> Network Engineer III
> Verisign, Inc. -- Telecom Services Division
> Office: 912.527.4343
> Fax: 912.527.4014
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dean Bishop [mailto:dbishop at]
> Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 9:53 AM
> To: Aaron Conaway; nagios-users at
> Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Check_snmp Issue
> Good morning,
> Why not check something with a more static value. if you do a
> ./check_snmp -H -C public -o sysName.0
> it will return the system name. This, if SNMP is enabled, will result
> in an OK return code each time.
> later,
> dean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aaron Conaway [mailto:Aaron.Conaway at]
> Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 8:05 AM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Check_snmp Issue
> I've checked the archives and online for this problem, but any
> solution I have found does not work for me. My ultimate goal is to just check if SNMP is running on a box; I could care less what any SNMP value is.
> As you can see below, if I do an snmpget on ifNumber.0, it returns
> 107. That's fine and dandy since I don't really care what the value
> is. If I do a check_snmp to the same OID, I get 107, but it is a
> warning status. If I set the warning range to 108:, it returns a
> warning state, but the value of 107 is between asterisks. If I set
> the critical range to 108:, I get a critical state with the value of
> 107 between asterisks.
> I know just enough SNMP to be dangerous, but I am obviously missing
> something basic here. Can anyone help?
> [nagios at palpatine libexec]$ snmpget -c ******** -v 1 ********
> ifNumber.0 RFC1213-MIB::ifNumber.0 = INTEGER: 107 [nagios at palpatine
> libexec]$ ./check_snmp -H ******** -C ******** -o ifNumber.0 SNMP
> WARNING - 107 [nagios at palpatine libexec]$ ./check_snmp -H ******** -C
> ******** -o ifNumber.0 -w 108: SNMP WARNING - *107* [nagios at palpatine
> libexec]$ ./check_snmp -H ******** -C ******** -o ifNumber.0 -c 108:
> SNMP CRITICAL - *107* [nagios at palpatine libexec]$ ./check_snmp -V
> check_snmp (nagios-plugins 1.3.0) 1.24 [nagios at palpatine libexec]$
> ../bin/nagios -V
> Nagios 1.0
> ----------
> Aaron Conaway
> Network Engineer III
> Verisign, Inc. -- Telecom Services Division
> Office: 912.527.4343
> Fax: 912.527.4014
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