UPDATE: question on: CGI pages unavailable
Tony Roodzant
troodzant at roomlinx.com
Mon May 19 19:47:10 CEST 2003
I am sorry.... just after writing this message, I figured it out. It was
just my inexperience, although the instructions were wrong, as well.
I had changed the httpd.conf file correctly by doing the opposite of the
Nagios install instructions. My problem was that I was only restarting my
Nagios, and forgot to restart httpd. I simply restarted httpd, and it
Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Roodzant [mailto:troodzant at roomlinx.com]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 10:42 AM
To: 'nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: question on: CGI pages unavailable
I am having some problems with my install/config of Nagios, and was hoping
for some help.
I have installed everything with default paths on RedHat 7.3, as far as I
know. Where I am running into problems is on the Nagios webpage, when
trying to get to any of the CGI pages, I get a URL not found error.
This may just show my ignorance and inexerpience with Linux, but in looking
at the instructions from Nagios for the config files, it seems to me that
things don't line up... yet when I change them, it doesn't work either. This
is what I see:
The Nagios web-page says "the requested URL /cgi-bin/nagios/*.* (status.cgi,
for example) was not found"
yet the Nagios install instructions said to create a ScriptAlias in the
httpd.conf file like
"/nagios/cgi-bin/ /usr/local/nagios/sbin" with "Options ExecCGI".
so aren't the paths backwards? It seems the web-browser is looking for
/cgi/nagios but the ScriptAlias is pointing /nagios/cgi-bin/ to the real
path. So I changed the ScriptAlias to what the web-browser is looking for
(/cgi-bin/nagios/), but this doesn't seem to work either. I have tried it
both with and without trailing slashes, and still no luck. I have commented
out the default ScriptAlias of /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" as well.
Maybe this isn't even where my problem lies, but I would appreciate help in
this issue, whatever the problem is!
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