HELP- Error! I am NOT a user.
Jonathan Nichols
jnichols at
Wed May 21 07:18:53 CEST 2003
Dennis & Beverley Walters wrote:
> I have been receiving text messages in error since Wednesday, 5/14.
> Someone has entered my telephone number by mistake.
> (804) 640-3248
> I receive numerous messages daily. They are NOT for me. I don't know
> anyone who would ever have reason to send me text messages.
> If you know anything about this or can help me in anyway, I would
> greatly appreciate it.
Whoops! Someone goofed, big time..
Nextel can tell you where these messages originated from. At least, when
I worked at AT&T Wireless we could tell you..
Do make sure that they credit you for the incoming text messages if you
end up getting charged. It's not your fault. AT&T Wireless's text
messages are free for incoming, but I don't know about Nextel.
At any rate, I'd give Nextel a call and see if they can remove the text
messaging feature from your wireless service plan. And, watch that bill. :)
But let this be a warning to everyone.. if you're not getting *any*
notifications at all, it's too good to be true! Check your
configuration! :-)
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