about check_procs + openbsd
Voon, Ton
Ton.Voon at egg.com
Wed May 21 11:27:28 CEST 2003
Thanks for the patch. There is already an OpenBSD specific ps in
configure.in (line 494), which is a bit baffling. Which version of OpenBSD
are you using?
I'm not happy about updating the first entry, so I will probably add it as a
new dedicated entry first, but needs commenting!
Can I have an example ps -axweo 'stat comm vsz rss user ppid args' output
please? Does it take pcpu as another option?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julien TOUCHE [SMTP:touche at sigil.homeunix.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 6:47 PM
> To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] about check_procs + openbsd
> Voon, Ton wrote:
> > Which version of check_procs are you using?
> >
> > If you run check_procs -v, it will tell you the ps command used
> as i said it is 1.3.0beta3 but i test also 1.3.0 with the same behavior.
> >
> > Check configure.in for the syntax checks that it is trying to find. A
> diff
> > -u patch will be most appreciated!
> >
> > Ton
> here a patch. i choose to put as default. it works on linux & openbsd,
> test on others, please or else make a dedicated entry for openbsd (but
> before the actual first one as it matched).
> note than ps options order IS important (axweo works, not weoax) << File:
> patch >>
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