Serious notification problem
Christophe Suire
christophe.suire at
Thu May 22 13:47:59 CEST 2003
I have a problem with some host/service with notifications. In fact the
problem is that a host/service is see by nagios as DOWN, but there no
notifications. I think the problem is link with the number of attempt that is
need to send a notification. My configuration is the same for all
hosts/services, but for some host/service the number of attempt when there is
a problem seems to be lock to 1/3 ... so number 3 is never done and there no
notification ..
What is the problem ??? Please help me :)
Christophe Suire <christophe.suire at>
Example of my configuration :
* A host working :
define host {
host_name srv
alias srv
check_command check-host-alive
parents sw201
max_check_attempts 3
checks_enabled 1
failure_prediction_enabled 1
retain_status_information 1
retain_nonstatus_information 1
notification_interval 60
define service {
host_name srv
service_description connectivity
check_command check_ping
max_check_attempts 3
normal_check_interval 5
retry_check_interval 1
check_period 24x7
notification_interval 60
notification_period 24x7
notification_options c,r
contact_groups admin
* A host not working :
define host {
host_name ca18
alias ca18
check_command check-host-alive
parents sw181
max_check_attempts 3
checks_enabled 1
failure_prediction_enabled 1
retain_status_information 1
retain_nonstatus_information 1
notification_interval 60
define service {
host_name ca18
service_description connectivity
check_command check_ping
max_check_attempts 3
normal_check_interval 5
retry_check_interval 1
check_period 24x7
notification_interval 60
notification_period 24x7
notification_options c,r
contact_groups admin
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