mailq plugin
Subhendu Ghosh
sghosh at
Fri May 23 15:11:56 CEST 2003
On Fri, 23 May 2003, Srv Muju wrote:
> >check_mailq is a perl plugin and needs to know where "" resides.
> >Modify check_mailq's "use lib ..." statement to point to the dir where
> > resides.
> >Check to verify that $PATH_TO_MAILQ point to a valid
> >executeable
> >Make sure that the nrpe user can execute the program. (usually it is root
> >only, so you may have to add group perms)
> >-sg
> thank-you kindly sg for the response.
> I will try the above as suggested, in the meantime can I ask whether you are talking about the
> script ? It seems you are above, and as mentioned I will verify and report back
> findings. Hoping to simplify the process, I decided to use the sol8-plugins (precompiled) as found
> on nagios site, and all work except for check_mailq as mentioned ... will also look at why the
> solaris precompiled is not happy, following your lead.
> I thank you,
> srv.
I was talking about the script in plugins-scripts dir of
the distribution not
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