Service and Process commands unavailable
Leonardo Machado
leonardomachado at
Sat May 24 11:58:28 CEST 2003
> > If I go to a service I see the same, Service Commands are not displayed
> > With the same message: It appears as though Nagios is not not running, so commands are temporarily unavailable.
> >
> > But Nagios is running.
> Do you have the nagios process check command enabled in the cgi.cfg
> configuration file? Here is the comment from the cgi.cfg file:
Pay attention to the check_command option. It seaches for a processes whith exactly name as you provided. For example, if your check command looks like this:
nagios_check_command=/opt/nagios/libexec/check_nagios /opt/nagios/var/status.log 5 '/opt/nagios/bin/nagios'
you must run nagios with the full path (/opt/nagios/bin/nagios). Just typing ./nagios on the /bin directory will case a ./nagios process to be created on the process table. There will be no match o this situation and the cgi will think it's not running.
ps: It wouldl be much better to search just for a "nagios" string. Does it work?
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