Dynamic ip address
Carsten Urbanski
cu at pyrosys.de
Mon May 26 06:21:28 CEST 2003
Hi Kristof,
have you run a DNS Cache on your Server?
I have also 1 DSL Server to ckeck but i must set the Ping check_interval greater then 15 minutes.
On Sun, 25 May 2003 20:32:19 +0200
"Kristof Hardy" <kristofml at catsanddogs.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> New on the list but after looking around, couldn't find what I'm looking
> for.
> I have got some servers I'd like to monitor but they are on dynamic
> ip's. Cable and DSL that is.
> It's no problem to monitor but whenever the DSL connection get's
> disconnected to get a new IP address, the DNS entry changes, and my
> nagios host resolves it to the 'old' ip.. So the host gets marked as
> 'down' at that moment.
> Any idea on how to avoid (magic trick?) this, because now I get a
> notification because the host is assumed to be down..
> Greetings,
> Kristof.
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