Pb with serviceextinfo
Steve Dussaux
stevox2000 at yahoo.com
Mon May 26 16:09:07 CEST 2003
I don't manage to configure the serviceextinfo.
I compiled nagios with the default option.So I have 2 files for extended informations.
And then i tell nagios which files to use for by adding this 2 lines in nagios.cfg :
And then I have this definition in serviceextinfo.cfg :
define serviceextinfo{
host_name STEVE
service_description Network-traffic
notes_url /nagios/cgi-bin/apan.cgi?host=STEVE&service=Network-traffic
icon_image graph.png
icon_image_alt View graphs
I've restarted Nagios but nothing appears near the service...
What is the problem ???
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