PLEASE don't use HTML mail. Can we block it?
Tom.DeBlende at
Tue May 27 11:33:08 CEST 2003
I agree that text format is sufficient and desirable on a mailing
list. However, not only do some clients use it as a default (not only
the MS ones, so there is no need to point the finger), but in some
cases users of the mailing list simply don't have the choice to send
anything but HTML messages due to company policies or restrictions.
So encouraging people to send in plain text is fine by me. Preventing
users to participate solely because they are using HTML goes too far.
After all, it's your choice whether you want to read HTML messages or
not. If you don't like HTML emails, then ignore them.
Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
> hi all
> Please do not use HTML formattet mail like the one below. It is ugly and
> unnessecary. Even though some email clients support it (and some - read
> Microsoft Outlook [express] defaults with it), it's still ugly and
> unnesseacary. Text is just as fine.
> Perhaps someone administering the list could add a little filter with a reject
> message bouncing back to whoever sends this sort of messages?
> annoied Roy
> On Monday 26 May 2003 23:01, Hochberg, Keith wrote:
>><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
>><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server version 6.0.6249.1">
>><TITLE>[Nagios-users] nagios server performance</TITLE>
>><BODY dir=ltr>
>><DIV>Have you checked out the tuning guide?</DIV>
>><DIV> </DIV>
>></A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV>
>><DIV>I run Nagios with 400 hosts and over 2,000 checks with not nearly what
>>you are running with respect to hardware and I have no performance
>>issues... I did have to refer to the tuning guide however to tweak a
>>things. </DIV>
>><BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
>> <DIV><FONT size=2>-----Original Message----- <BR><B>From:</B> Maarten
>> [mailto:maartenh at] <BR><B>Sent:</B> Mon 5/26/2003 2:21 PM
>> <BR><B>To:</B> nagios-users at <BR><B>Cc:</B>
>> <BR><B>Subject:</B> [Nagios-users] nagios server
>> performance<BR><BR></FONT></DIV>
>> <P><FONT size=2>Hi,<BR><BR>I am currently experiencing some performance
>>issues with my nagios<BR>installation. I am running nagios on a dual xeon
>>2Ghz, 2,5gig internal<BR>memory. I have currently 260 hosts and 1400
>>services added to nagios. The<BR>services are scheduled to be checked with
>>a 5 minute interval. The word<BR>scheduled is not accidently chosen, since
>>in practise, the server is only<BR>succeeding in checking the hosts and
>>services every 15-30 minutes. There is<BR>a milelong queue with checks that
>>are behind on schedule. The server itself<BR>(CPU and Memory), is not even
>>sweating a little bit. There are more then<BR>enough resources to serve the
>>requests...<BR><BR>I just changed nagios.cfg a bit today and am now
>>allowing for 100
>> concurrent<BR>checks, but still no luck :-( Is there anyone on the list
>>that know some<BR>tricks on reducing the delay and improving
>> performance?<BR><BR>maarten<BR><BR>111 processes: 110 sleeping, 1
>>running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped<BR>CPU0 states: 0.0% user, 0.0%
>>system, 0.0% nice, 100.0% idle<BR>CPU1 states: 0.0% user,
>>0.0% system, 0.0% nice, 100.0% idle<BR>CPU2 states: 2.1%
>>user, 1.0% system, 1.0% nice, 95.0% idle<BR>CPU3 states:
>>0.0% user, 0.0% system, 0.1% nice, 99.0% idle<BR>Mem:
>>2581768K av, 124044K used, 2457724K
>>free, 0K shrd,
>>17920K<BR>buff<BR>Swap: 1024088K av, 9400K used, 1014688K
>>; 19288K<BR>cached<BR><BR> PID
>>ecks=100 (should be enough for 30000 checks in 5
>>his email is sponsored by: ObjectStore.<BR>If flattening out C++ or
>>Java code to make your application fit in a<BR>relational database is
>>painful, don't do it! Check out ObjectStore.<BR>Now part of Progress
>>Software. <A
>>sers mailing list<BR>Nagios-users at<BR><A
>></A><BR>::: Please include
>>Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue.<BR>:::
>>Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to
This email is sponsored by: ObjectStore.
If flattening out C++ or Java code to make your application fit in a
relational database is painful, don't do it! Check out ObjectStore.
Now part of Progress Software.
Nagios-users mailing list
Nagios-users at
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue.
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null
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