Nagios with MRTG or MRTG with Nagios
Thom Smith
tsmith at
Tue May 27 22:57:27 CEST 2003
There is a script written (APAN - that takes the
data and funnels it into RRD. RRD is the database engine that MRTG
uses. With this, I've 'enhanced' status.c of nagios and have the graphs
show up on the same page as the 'service status for host' page. Best of
both worlds, I think.
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 13:07, Serveur-Faucon Surveillance wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently using MRTG on a Windows2k server and Nagios on RedHat8 and was thinking to move the two on a RedHat8 machine. I am wondering if there is some people using both programs since MRTG does not really have a great notifying mechanism and since Nagios does not really have a nice graphical results, since insted of the numbers, you get green,yellow or red status.
> I know that the Nagmin author wants to integrate the everything in is next version, but it is not done yet.
> In theory, I think that the best way would be to use Nagios to pull the data (ping, query to clients, snmp to routers, etc) and then at each pull, throw the data to MRTG for process.
> So if there is someone in here using some kind of method, or even some better method, say so :)
> Thanks.
> Alex
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