missing http-plugin
Pascal Miquet
p.miquet at hafiba.fr
Wed May 28 12:11:49 CEST 2003
Did you check that the check_http is present in your nagios/libexec
You then may run manually the chck_http command and see what happens ..
Le mer 28/05/2003 à 11:13, Frank Stars a écrit :
> Hi all,
> my Problem is, that nagios can't find the http-plugin (Return code of
> 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing).
> Someone tried to reinstall the apache-server. He had problems with
> the new installation, and he deleted everything that sounds like
> "http"... So he deleted some nagios-stuff, too.
> Now, the apache runs fine ;-) But nagios doesn't.
> I tried to reinstall the plugin-package, but still get the same error.
> Has anyone an idea?
> Thanks,
> Frank
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