(no subject)
Subhendu Ghosh
sghosh at sghosh.org
Wed May 28 20:26:08 CEST 2003
On Wed, 28 May 2003, Stock, Daniel wrote:
> Hallo,
> I'm setting up a nagios server to monitor our test domain.
> I am having trouble with the check_ping modul. Here is some Information
> about how I've set it up and what's happening.
> Version: check_ping (nagios-plugins 1.3.0) 1.11
> Command: ../libexec/check_ping -H defx0ybe -w 5 -c 10 -wpl 4 -pl
> Error Meldung: check_ping: %s: Warning threshold must be integer or
> percentage!
> I've tried setting the command with other variable but I haven't found one
> that works. I also check the documentation from nagios and the manual pages
> but couldn't find anything that seem to help.
> Could you look into the matter and tell me what the correct parameters for
> the command are? Or is there a update for the command that would help?
check_ping -h for command syntax help
-wpl and -pl look very suspicious
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