help for a newbie
Carroll, Jim P [Contractor]
jcarro10 at
Fri May 30 20:14:55 CEST 2003
Tim Ruckpaul wrote:
> Hallo,
> can anyone tell me the meaning of $ARGn$ in resource.cfg?
> I am an total newbie and nagios documentation is not detailed enough.
The docs are actually very detailed, albeit not always intuitive
in navigating to the desired details.
> Can anyone tell me a better documentation that the one at
None better than that, to my knowledge.
> I need to implement nagios for school, i don't want to
> supervise a huge
> network.
What do you mean by 'need'? Do you mean:
a) Nagios looks cool, and I'll receive kudos for implementing it
b) I've done a formal requirements analysis, and Nagios fits the bill
c) My boss/professor/person of authority instructed me to install it
If a), you might want to rethink your reasons. If b), then you'll
realize that Nagios can manage small networks too. If c), then it
looks like you'll have to Just Do It.
Have faith, the docs are quite good. Be patient, read as much as
seems relevant, follow links, return to the table of contents
frequently and see if you didn't overlook something. Realize
also that Nagios is an order of complexity above many things you
may want to quickly download/compile/install/use, such as rsync
(to use one example; typically included with Linux these days,
but not with Solaris8).
If you expected to spend minutes implementing Nagios, plan on
spending hours. If you expected to spend hours, plan on spending
days. Nagios is non-trivial, and not for the faint of heart.
Having said that, there is still One Truth: Nagios ROCKS! :)
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