check_snmp problem - no output help

Starr, Neal (CCI-Wichita) Neal.Starr at
Fri Nov 7 23:21:37 CET 2003

I'm currently running into a problem with the check_snmp plugin for Nagios.  I'm attempting to walk a couple of specific OIDs on several hosts in my network.  When I use the following from the shell on my Solaris 9 box, everything works Ok:

$ ./check_snmp -H -P 1 -o . -w 20:40 -c 15:40 -C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SNMP OK - 24 

Verbose mode shows pretty much the same:

$ ./check_snmp -H -C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -P 1 -o . -w 20:40 -c 15:40 -v
/usr/local/bin/snmpget -t 1 -r 9 -m ALL -v 1 -c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  .
. = INTEGER: 23.4 dB

SNMP OK - 23

However when I then create a check command to do the same thing and a corresponding service to go with it, every host I point the service at just returns a current state of "warning" and the state information says "(No output!)"  Here is command definition:

# check CMTS1 US1 SNR
define command{
        command_name    check_blade1_us1_snr
        command_line    $USER$/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -P 1 -o . -w 20:40 -c 15:40

>From a problem I had with a different plugin, I tried moving the location of the -C community string option around in the command line, but this has no effect.  I also tried removing the -c critical range option to see if maybe something was getting confused between the -C and -c options, but to no avail either.

Looking in nagios.log wasn't much help either as it stated basically the same thing:

[1068241877] SERVICE ALERT: hutccmta01;Check Blade 1 US1 SNR;WARNING;SOFT;2;(No output!)

Just hoping maybe someone knows what is wrong in here.  Many thanks.

Neal Starr

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