Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using username '' and password ''

Rick r.perez at
Tue Nov 11 17:55:56 CET 2003

I've seen this problem on mailing list but didnt see a solution, perhaps
someone already know.

Error: Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using username ''
and password ''.  Status data will not be saved!
Error: Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using username ''
and password ''.  Retention data will not be processed or saved!
Error: Could not re-connect to database server on host '' for status data.
I'll keep trying every 60 seconds...
Error: Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using username ''
and password '' for comment data!
Error: Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using username ''
and password '' for downtime data!

I'm using redhat 9 & nagios 1.1 and have done and checked the following:

1)./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nagios --with-cgiurl=/nagios/cgi-bin --wit
h-htmurl=/nagios --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-grp=nagios --with-m
ysql-xdata --with-mysql-downtime --with-mysql-comments --with-mysql-status -
-with-mysql-retention --with-mysql-extinfo --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/mysql -

I have tried it first time with only the --with-mysql-xdata but did not

nagios was configured without problems on both occations.

2) uncommented the db config directives on both cgi.cfg and resource.cfg
used the settings below for example

3) the nagios.cfg does point to the right directory of resource.cfg

4) I havent doubled checked that the the username and password for the mysql
works by,

mysql nagios -u nagios -h localhost -P 3306 -p

All the tables seems to be present I can log on, read and insert data, I
have also used nmap to doublecheck, the port is definitely open.

Cant seem to find a solution out there and I'm getting to the point of
giving up........


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