Help with 1.1 setup

Jim Mozley jim.mozley at
Wed Nov 12 11:37:58 CET 2003

> On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Spence, Lance (CCI-Hampton Roads) wrote:
>>I'm beginning to make some headway. The problem was with my
>>htpasswd.users's file. My permissions are: -rw------- root root. Is this
>>correct? If not what should they be?
>>I appreciate your patience.

Matt Pounsett wrote:

> 1) You really should be addressing this stuff to the nagios-users list, not to
> me personally.  As my .sig indicates, I am not affiliated with Nagios in any
 > ...

All that aside your htpasswd file (or whatever you want to call it) 
should be accessible to the user and group that apache runs under. For 
instance make the file owner and group the same as your web server runs 
under with just rw permissions for the user.


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