using multiple network cards

Jack Doyle jdoyle at
Mon Nov 17 21:45:16 CET 2003

That would be nice... I'd be happy to put a second nic in my nagios box
if this would work.  Right now, when I start nagios it will schedule
checks six seconds apart and take about 11 minutes to get through them
However, once they go they reschedule themselves when the next one would
be.  I don't think a second nic would make it go any faster.

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Tory Skyers [mailto:tskyers at] 
	Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 2:39 PM
	To: nagios-users at
	Subject: [Nagios-users] using multiple network cards

	Is it possible to get nagios to use multiple network interfaces
for it's checks. The goal would be to reduce the time taken to execute
checks. I'd like it to complete all checks w/in 5 minutes. 


	Tory Skyers

	Network Administrator

	Prudential Fox & Roach


	tskyers at


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