Just a thought
Onsite DeTeWe
Onsite.DeTeWe at firstgroup.com
Wed Nov 19 10:29:04 CET 2003
Hi All,
I was just thinking that this feature might be quite nice to have.
Basically I thought it would be good to do an onDblClick on the StatusMap
for a node to open a telnet session or SSH session to that node. Or other
user diffinable command. Just a thought.
Currently I am using the notes_url attrib in my extended cgi file pointing
to telnet://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to get a similar result but only from the host
details page.
I would have a look at doing this myself but I am quite new to all this on
linux and don't know how to change the cgi files, or recompile indervidual
components of the program, oh and I don't know much C ;-)
Kind regards
PS thanks for your help on the install problems I had... It was a
permissions thing on ping, sticky-bit fixed it.
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