List of All Services For Which Notifications Are Disabled?

Bob Dilworth bdilworth at
Tue Oct 7 17:33:40 CEST 2003

Hi All!

We're using Nagios 1.1.  I'm looking for a way to obtain a current list of all services for which we have notifications disabled.  I realize one can go into the monitor and look this up by host and individual service but it would be really nice to have a consolidated list of just those services for which notifications have been disabled.

Along the same lines - has anyone modified the source code to perhaps build such a list and write it out to a text file?  Once could then read the text file via a Perl script or something and toggle the notifications back on (or off again) via a command line call to the approriate URL.

Any info on this topic would be highly appreciated!

Thanks in Advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob Dilworth
Medical College of Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
(419)383-3125 (fax)
bdilworth at

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