world viewable

Dan Stromberg strombrg at
Tue Oct 7 22:16:52 CEST 2003

We've been using IP based authentication with nagios, instead of
passworded access.  In the beginning it was easier, but DHCP is making
this a pain.

I've been asked to:

1) Switch to passworded access.  Can this be done over ssl/tls?

2) Make our nagios visible to anyone on the web.  Are there security
risks involved with this?  "admin risks" involved with endusers being
able to see what's up and what's down?  We entirely drive our nagios
configs by a locally-written set of CGI scripts - is there a way to make
the entire web interface readonly?  Are there other things I should
watch out for in this security transition?


Dan Stromberg DCS/NACS/UCI <strombrg at>

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