Identical Status information for all hosts

Brian Basgen bbasgen at
Thu Oct 9 23:57:01 CEST 2003


 With the exception of ping, the Status information for three different
hosts is identical. My three hosts are the nagios machine itself (from which
all the status information is a replica of), a switch, and a file server;
the other services I'm checking for are http, current users, total
processes, and disk usage.

 I thought that perhaps the "add-on" nrpe is a requirement, so I've
attempted to install that on my nagios machine (RH 9), it built fine, but I
imagine the configuration I made is imperfect (followed all the steps in the
readme) since now I'm getting "connection refused by host" in the status

 Anyway, my main concern is that I'm going in the correct direction. The
main Nagios docs don't really cover this as a requirement. Is it accurate
that you cannot monitor services on any machines unless you have nrpe
installed and running on the client, and essentially simply only configured
on the server?

 Brian Basgen
 Systems Administrator
 EPIX Medical
 71 Rogers St
 Cambridge MA, 02142

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