check_ping problem

Tom Diehl tdiehl at
Mon Oct 13 07:24:26 CEST 2003

Hi all,
I am trying to get nagios working properly but I am encountering a problem
with the check_ping command. I have seen a few posts in the archinve with
the error message I am seeing but so far none have helped. I am trying to
run nagios on a Red Hat Linux 8.0 system. Nagios version is: 1.1-3. I am 
also running version 1.1-3 of nagios plugins. The following is what I am

(icarus pts6) # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ping -H -w 10:20%% -c 60:100%%
You've got a big problem buddy! You need more args!!!
Cannot open pipe: (icarus pts6) #

What pipe?? What args does it need that I am not supplying??

Is there some documentation that explains this error message in more detail?
I have looked but either it does not exist or I am just plain blind.

I tried the above with both single and double % signs but the error is exactly
the same no matter what I try.

On a related note is there some doc that explains the exact syntax of 
services.cfg?? In particular I am trying to understand what the following
notification_options        c,r
    check_command           check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%

If there is some doc that I am missing please point me to it. I am very willing
to rtfm if I can find the proper fm.


......Tom		Registered Linux User #14522
tdiehl at	My current SpamTrap ------->	mtd123 at

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