
Mickael Maddison mike at
Mon Oct 20 19:30:51 CEST 2003


I am a 'new' Nagios user, and have set up a basic install to monitor ~20 hosts.  So far, once the initial config files get figured out, it's looking pretty good.

I am looking for some comments on a few questions/thoughts though.

-- Layout; I've been trying to figure out how to modify the reporting screens to save viewing space.  find that there is plenty of unused space that could be more efficiently laid out so more useful information is on the screen at all times.  Has anyone else done this?  I've looked at the stylesheets and I'm no stylesheet expert, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do with these...

-- Web-Based Config File scripts;  I'm wondering if anyone knows if/where on can find some good web-based configuration file editing scripts?  I wouldn't want to re-invent these if there are good ones available.

-- Group services; Is there a way to say that "all hosts in group linux" get the same ping testing, rather than having to enter a services.cfg entry for each host?

-- MySQL Config; I haven't looked into this yet, but it is a very attractive option... any comments on how stable - reliable the MySQL based setup is?

Sorry for the big list of questions, I'm sure more will pop up...  Thanks in advance for taking the time to read through this.

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