NAGIOS limitation

Mooney, Ryan ryan.mooney at
Thu Oct 23 18:38:04 CEST 2003


I'm monitoring ~12,000 services on almost 1000 hosts, most are 5 minute interval
or less.  I have a dual 2.4Ghz Xenon & ~4G ram (almost 3 used, although a ~700M 
is for buffer cache).  Some things I found include:

  - Passive service check GOOD!  Nagios will fork for every test otherwise
    and that will quickly bring everything you've built crashing down :)
    However this means that you basically have to write all your own service
    checks which can be a bit of work (and thought as to how to transport 
    them, etc...).  NSCA can also help here, although I didn't want to deploy
    it everywhere so I used slightly different custom hacks...
  - On linux (RH 8 & 9 at least) there is some brokenness in the scheduler 
    and you will end up with a lot of nagios processes hanging around.  
    This is caused by a sub process trying to write to the parent through
    an anonymous pipe and getting starved for time, thus the writes never
    complete.  A discussion of a "fix" was posted by "Jay 'Whip' Grizzard" 
    in a post talking about "[Nagios-users] Processes hung on pipe writes 
    (and other fun)" on Aug 20, 2003.  I "solved" the problem by wrapping 
    the write in an alarm and timing it out as well - this results in some
    lost messages, but oh well :)  FreeBSD doesn't have this issue, and I'd
    be (more) suprised is linux 2.6 kernel has it (as bad) either.
  - The CGI interface is terminally slow for large installations in 1.x.
    2.x is supposed to fix it, but as I look at the CVS as of today I still 
    see some of the linked list traversals that I know are slow still in the
    code - it appears that the hash replacements are also in the code, so I'm
    assuming that the linked list stuff will be removed RSN but its just that
    not everything has caught up yet.  I "fixed" this by writing a php 
    interface to the status file, its an ugly hack but hey I have all the info
    on one page, and what took a long time is now relatively zippy.
    You can DL it at:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roland.Sorgenfrei at [mailto:Roland.Sorgenfrei at]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 2:11 AM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] NAGIOS limitation
> Hi all,
> I'm a nagios beginner.  My requirement is, we will managed 
> round 600 server
> with round
> about 25 services per server, in sum 15 000 services. The normal
> checkinterval must be 10 minutes.
> Now my questions :
> Can nagios handle so many services in one nagios installation?
> Know anyone, where are the limitation from nagios?
> Thanks for help!
> Roland
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