[Nagmin-users] NagMIN Question

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Oct 28 18:15:16 CET 2003

    Fred> I have to admit that I haven't tried it, but I believe you already
    Fred> can set security levels on a user-by-user basis through WebMIN
    Fred> user permissions.

Oh, I'd be happy to have the other system engineers all maintaining the
information about their machines.  The problem is that when I want to make a
wide ranging change to the NagMIN (say, to add several new machines or
rename something which appears in several places), I want to dump the SQL
and just edit it instead of peeking and poking my way around NagMIN.  To do
that safely, I need to be able to lock the database before dumping the
database.  If I have to go through and disable NagMIN editing for 20 system
engineers so I can safely dump the NagMIN database, then reenable access
after reloading the database, that's not really any better than poking
around NagMIN to modify individual table rows, and may be worse.

What I really need is a global way (poke one button) to temporarily disable
through-the-web modifications of the database.  I can then backup the
database to a file, edit that file, reload it using the mysql command, then
reenable database mods.  I think the ideal place for this would be in the
row of buttons on the nagios database page (next to the Verify, Activate,
Status, ... buttons).


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