[Nagmin-users] NagMIN Question

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Oct 28 18:31:27 CET 2003

    Fred> I think NagMIN is close to being able to load multiple machines
    Fred> from the same database.  How about if NagMIN could process
    Fred> multiple entries in the System table for the same database.


I'm afraid I have no idea what you are referring to here.  My benchmark
example was a couple weeks ago I got an email from one of the other
engineers.  He wanted me to start monitoring eight to ten new machines to
the system along with various accompanying service tests (different for
different classes of machines).  That's a pretty trivial task using SQL
insert statements, but a pretty tedious, error prone task using the web

    Fred> Another someone else mentioned was a way to copy single, or
    Fred> multiple lines in a table.  I'd like this one myself.  I'm also
    Fred> trying to figure out how to easily add a sorting feature for the
    Fred> tables.  I'm thinking of using the same up/down arrow approach
    Fred> that the Nagios GUI uses.

That would probably help incrementally, but I think is still focused on
making fairly localized changes to the system.  The way our environment
works, if I add a new machine I also wind up adding new hostgroups, contact
groups, host group escalations, etc.  Everything is associated with
individual machine name.  (That's for historical reasons, not because I want
it that way.  It creates more work for me and bloats the database for no
particularly good reason, but I'm not in a position to change things.)  To
make it concrete, suppose I want to add a new machine named trigger whose
system engineer (in priority order) are Tommy, Mary, John and Jill.  I need
to add a Host table entry for trigger, relevant tests, a hostgroup
associated with trigger and escalation rules for all four engineers.

Sorting along columns would be nice, especially if you can figure out how to
include default values, but wouldn't affect my current problem.


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