Nagios+Postgres stopping service checks

Dan Hopkins dan.hopkins at
Fri Oct 31 11:29:06 CET 2003

Does anyone have problems with Nagios stopping service checks when using
Postgres for all external data?

Using nagios 1.1_3, postgres 7.3.4_1 on FreeBSD 4.8. We're testing with
around 1200 hosts and 2000 services. Everything runs fine for a few hours,
sometimes a couple of days, then all service checks suddenly stop. Nagios is
still running - still listening to its command pipe, auto-saving retention
data periodically, updating the last_update data for each service, but not
executing checks (next_check scheduled time stays static at whichever time
nagios appears to stop checks) 

Tried passing forced schedule checks via the command pipe, these are logged
correctly in nagios.log but don't get executed, nor updated in the DB. We've
run the same service/host config against a nagios without postgres support,
and this keeps running fine - so it doesnt' appear to be a particular
external command hanging.

We're vacuuming nagios every 2 hours (the only way we can keep the database
response at a reasonable level) but not a full vacuum, so there's no
exclusive lock problems - and other data is still being updated, so it
wouldn't appear to be a general database locking problem.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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