Marc Powell mpowell at ena.com
Fri Sep 12 14:50:42 CEST 2003

I think you want NRPE, not NSCA. NRPE allows you to execute plugins on remote machine (you'll need a copy of the plugins you are interested in on the remote machines.


Sent from a very tiny wireless device with a very tiny unlit keyboard.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Reitan :: NDC Host <Shaun.Reitan at NDCHost.com>
To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net <nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Fri Sep 12 03:11:32 2003
Subject: [Nagios-users] re: NSCA

i have NSCA installed and want to be able to monitor things like diskspace, memory, cpu, mail queue, etc.  I'm really confused about how it works.  How do i setup the services for these?  I saw a sample config had check_disk but if i use that, it checks the local disk on the nagios server.  I read thru the documentation best i could but i'm still confused.  Any help with this would be appriciated.
Best Regards,
Shaun Reitan
Shaun.Reitan at NDCHost.com

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