syslog-ng stuff

Williams, P. Lane Lane.Williams at
Wed Sep 24 17:59:08 CEST 2003

Sorry for the repost.

On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 09:59, Williams, P. Lane wrote:
For those interested.  I currently use a combination of Event Sentry and
Syslog-ng for Microsoft Eventlog Monitoring.  To make my job a little
easier I wrote a little PERL script that would generate the syslog-ng
configuration data for me.  I prepend all of my Microsoft hostgroups
with "Microsoft", so it makes the pattern matching a little easier.  

Here's the script, I apologize up front for the email program messing up
the format of the script:


open (LOG, "/usr/local/nagios/etc/hostgroups.cfg") or die "You either do
not have rights or the log file does not exist:$! \n";

while (<LOG>) {
       if (/hostgroup_name/ && /Microsoft/) {
           $begin = 1;
        if ($begin) {
              if (/members/) {
                    $members = $_;
                    ($m1,$m2) = split ' ',$members;
                    $hosts = "$m2,";
                    $hosts =~ s/,/ /g;
                    push (@hosts, split ' ',$hosts);
                    $end ++;
                    if ($end) {
                               $begin = 0;
                               $end = 0;}

close LOG;
  foreach $entry(@hosts){
     @name = `ping $entry -c 1 | grep "64 bytes from" | awk {'print \$4'}`;
     chomp @name;
     foreach $x (@name){
         $x =~ s/\.\w+//g;
         print "######## $x syslog-ng definition ########\n";
         print "filter $entry \{ host (\"$x\")\;\}\;","\n";
         print "destination
         print "log \{source(net)\; filter($entry)\; destination

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