Problem Getting the APAN Link to Appear in Nag ios
Kaplan, Andrew H.
Fri Apr 2 22:59:22 CEST 2004
Jeff --
I modified the ownership and permissions on the rrd directory to reflect yours.
I restarted Nagios and the
problem did not go away.
When I ran the command you mentioned: /usr/bin/mysql -u nagios -p apa123 -D
nagios, I first got an 1049 error
that stated the apa123 database was unknown. When I ran the same command minus
the -p option, I got the 1045
error saying access was denied. Finally I ran the commmand with only the -D
option and I got the 1045 error again.
I did a check through Webmin on the nagios sql user and I confirmed the user has
access from the localhost and has
all permissions. I chose localhost when I set the permissions up initially due
to the fact that was the only way I
could get the apanconf-sql utility to be able to write to the database. What
-----Original Message-----
From: jeff vier [mailto:jeff.vier at]
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 2:39 PM
To: Kaplan, Andrew H.
Cc: Nagios-Users (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Problem Getting the APAN Link to Appear in
Nag ios
On Fri, 2004-04-02 at 12:58, Kaplan, Andrew H. wrote:
> I ran the rrdtool fetch command with the appropriate syntax, and I am
> getting a bunch of "nan"s. It
> appears, according to what you said, that the values are not being
> collected. How do I correct this?
Notably, you will get *some*, but they shouldn't be *all* "nan"
First thing, what are the permissions on your rrd directory?
mine is 770 and owned by nagios:nagios
the rrds themselves are 660 with the same ownership.
Second, can you log into your MySQL db using the command in sql.conf?
The last var in that file (SQLCOMM=...") is the command.
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