Could you help me with Monitoring Disk, CPU, Mem etc

emily zhou zhoue at
Tue Apr 6 23:20:28 CEST 2004

Hi Robert,
I'm looking for the solution for monitoring remote UNIX disk and CPU 
etc. for a long time, I used NSclient to monitor NT fine, and NRPE to 
monitor unix but only good for DISK.
I think you gave me a good answer. After I tried hard, still little bit 
confused, hope you can clarify for me.
1. I installed nagios server on a Solaris box, also installed ucd-snmp, 
snmpwalk working fine. I'd like to monitor another Sun box, do I need 
install ucd-snmp on that box? Solaris has a default SNMP agent running 
like this:
           root   342     1  0   Mar 26 ?        0:52 
/usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx -y -c /etc/snmp/conf
Do I need to stop that snmp process?
2. I think the problem is related to 
/usr/local/share/snmp/snmpconf/snmpd.conf, snmp.conf etc.
    How do I edit those config files? only edit them on Nagios server, 
or has to do both sides Server and remote client?
3. The ucd-snmp docs talk about snmpd daemon, I couldn't find it under 
anywhere, but I found it in source under agent/snmpd. Should I copy some 
files under agent/ to somewhere? During the make/make install, sounds 
didn't copy any files under AGENT to system directory.
Could you please write some procedures how you got it working on your 
system (configurations)? I desperately wanted to make it working on my 

Thanks a lot,

Robert Suh wrote:

>Nicholas, for Unix like OSes (Linux), take a look at ucd-snmp (UCDavis)
>or net-snmp (what ucd-snmp has morphed
>into) depening on your OS version.  Most distributions come with them,
>but they may not be installed by default.
>Win2k and 2k3 ship with a basic SNMP service, which you have to enable
>(or 'Add' via the Control Panel.)
>The basic check_snmp command needs the Hostaddress (-H), OID to monitor
>(-o) and the SNMP community
>string (-C, typically 'public').
>So for example, we have the basic ucd-snmp package installed on a Linux
>box.  To monitor the load average,
>the OID is "."
>You can test if you setup has worked by running 
>/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H TARGET -o
>. -C public
>Basically, the problem you run into is to map what you want with the OID
>number.  To somewhat
>get around this, if you have the standard MIBS.  You can run 'snmpwalk',
>which comes with ucd-snmp and
>net-snmp.  With net-snmp's snmpwalk, you can run "snmpwalk -v 1 -c
>public HOSTNAME .iso" to
>see all the information your device is exporting via SNMP.
>To get you started, some common OIDs:
># Load averages.
>OID    ucd_load1min
>OID    ucd_load5min
>OID    ucd_load15min
># Memory stats
>OID    ucd_memswapAvail
>OID    ucd_memrealAvail
>OID    ucd_memtotalAvail
># Disk stats (Don't forget the instance number...)
>OID    ucd_diskfree
>OID    ucd_diskused
>OID    ucd_diskpused
># CPU Stats
>OID    ucd_cpuUser
>OID    ucd_cpuSystem
>OID    ucd_cpuIdle
>OID    ucd_rawCpuUser
>OID    ucd_rawCpuNice
>OID    ucd_rawCpuSystem
>OID    ucd_rawCpuIdle
>These should be fairly common and static.
>Keep in mind, that with the NAG, you will probably have to create your
>own snmp checkcommand
>using check_snmp and set the -w and -c stuff yourself.  
>Later on, you can get more advance and have the SNMP daemon run scripts
>and return the data via
>an OID.  
>-----Original Message-----
>From: nagios-users-admin at
>[mailto:nagios-users-admin at] On Behalf Of Subhendu
>Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 1:35 PM
>To: Platt, Nicholas
>Cc: 'nagios-users at'
>Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Monitoring Disk and CPU Utilization
>On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Platt, Nicholas wrote:
>>I've just installed Nagios and I am very please with the product.  I'm
>>not a Linux guy, but the instructions have been so good that it has 
>>been an easy experience.  Good work!  I've been able to populate the
>NMS with 500+ host
>>and monitor over 1000+ services.   I plan to grow it.   I've been
>asked to
>>monitor host CPU and host disk usage.    I've read that there is two
>>monitor this function.  One is installing a client on each server and
>>other is SNMP.   Since our shop has several types of boxes and OS, for
>us it
>>is better to poll the box via SNMP.  I've not been able to find 
>>detailed documentation on how to have Nagios poll via SNMP for disk 
>>usage.  Now, when I say documentation, I have found a check_snmp
>plug-in, but did not have
>>enough documentation for a beginner to be able to utilize it.    Can
>>point me to any check_snmp documentation that will clearly describe
>how I
>>can poll servers via SNMP?    If believe the client version is better,
>>it support Unix, Linux, Novell, and NT?  You guys have always been 
>>very supportive.  Thank you.
>Unix agent: 
>NRPE + any plugin
>ssh + any plugin
>Windows agents: 
>NSclient - fixed set of probes
>NREP_NT + external plugins
>MRTGEXT.NLM - fixed set of probes

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