Mysql report problems
kollasch.drew at
kollasch.drew at
Wed Apr 7 19:05:58 CEST 2004
Very sorry all....I accidentally replied to the wrong subject before.
I have corrected it.
Drew Kollasch
Network/Desktop Technician
Buena Vista Regional Medical Center
kollasch.drew at
-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Kollasch
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:41 AM
To: julie.catellier at; nagios-users at
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] hosts.cfg and ping question
Sorry, but that is way off base. Basically how I figured out the reports
weren't right, is that we have a server that reboot at 2AM everyday and
takes approx 45 minutes to come back up. Rather than have to come in and
watch it, I was using the report to see how long it was actually down for.
This was all fine and dandy for a cpl days. After I had gotten some other
things to work (nagios process monitoring, authentication, and added lots of
additional hosts, services etc) the reporting no longer works. I will post
this back to the list as well, so that I don't have to repeat myself.
As far as downtime goes, by scheduling it, I am still not sure if that
counts on the reports as downtime, but that is not an issue in the least
right now.
Drew Kollasch
Network/Desktop Technician
Buena Vista Regional Medical Center
kollasch.drew at
-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Catellier [mailto:julie.catellier at]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:12 AM
To: nagios-users at
Subject: [Nagios-users] hosts.cfg and ping question
When I first set up Nagios, I was able to set the check_command to
check-host-alive and everything worked well. Now, the initial
hosts that I set up in hosts.cfg automatically ping for the host
without any entry in the 'check-command' and I am not able to
check-host-alive in any new host entries. Is there any entry that
overrides the hosts.cfg configuration? Below is an example. The
imap1 entry does not check-host-alive. The smtp3 entry
automatically pings the host. I also double checked that
check-host-alive does work for these hosts from the command line.
Any Ideas?
# 'smtp3' host definition
define host{
use its-host ; Name of
host template to use
host_name smtp3.x.x.x
alias VUmail: Mail Transport server
address xx.xx.xx.xx
# 'imap1' host definition
define host{
use its-host ; Name of
host template to use
host_name imap1.x.x.x
alias VUmail: Personal mailbox server
address xx.xx.xx.xx
check_command check-host-alive
notification_interval 120
notification_period 24x7
max_check_attempts 10
Julie Catellier
Vanderbilt University
Information Technology Services
Email: julie.catellier at Vanderbilt.Edu
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