Contact Template Not Working?

Paul L. Allen pla at
Mon Apr 19 23:50:28 CEST 2004

Mueller, Karl writes: 

> It's your lucky day.

Woohoo!  I'm gonna get laid? :) 

> The trick, as with all templated objects, is to have the "name" entry,
> which is the template name you inherit from.  I just checked the nagios
> source code, and it appears to handle templated check_commands.   
> In other words, you have your "standard" service: 
> Define service {
> 	name blah_service_template
> 	service_description foofoo
> 	check_command XXXX
> 	...
> } 
> (this is an actual service object, so register 0 is not used) 
> define service {
> 	service_description foofoo
> 	check_command YYYYY
> 	use blah_service_template
> 	...
> }

Yeah, that's what I did.  Only difference is that I had a template
that inherited from a template.  I.e., generic_template is inherited
by various other templates, and specific service instances inherit from
the appropriate other templates. 

> Alternately, you can have a single master pure "template" that the
> others inherit from, missing the check_command entry.

That's how I ended up doing it, not from choice but because that was all
that worked for me.  Back when I was using check_by_ssh for remote
checks, that was particularly annoying because of the size of a
check_by_ssh check command.  I want inheritence.  Which is strange,
because I generally hate OOP, but for Nagios it makes sense. 

Paul Allen
Softflare Support 

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