Not logging new hosts/services

Alex Farrer afarrer at
Wed Apr 21 17:41:21 CEST 2004


I created a couple of new hostgroups with 2 hosts in each and defined them 
all OK in the various config files. I restarted Nagios (having first 
checked the config files with the -v command, all appeared to be fine). Now 
when I open the interface Nagios shows that it is monitoring all of these 
new hosts & services fine and there are no problems. However, when I try to 
run a trends/availability report for any of the hosts/services there is no 
data there and I get a 100% Indeterminate reading, of which 100% is due to 
'insufficient data'.

So the problem seems to be somewhere in the logging process with any new 
hosts/services that get added to the config files. All existing 
host/services are being monitored/logged as per normal. Also I can see 
these new ones in the status.sav and status.log files.

I've tried killing and then restarting the Nagios process serveral times to 
force Nagios to start logging them, but with no joy.

Anyone got any idea what the problem is or/and how I can 'kick-start' the 
logging process to recognise these new hosts and log them?



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