Service notifications when host is down

Steve Shipway s.shipway at
Wed Apr 21 23:35:00 CEST 2004

Ben Whaley wrote:
>I had a problem this morning where a host was down but I 
>received a service notification. I have disabled host 
>notifications altogether but I don't want to know about a 
>service being unavailable if a host is down. Below is from the 
>Alert History.

We have this problem as well.  I thought that Nagios was intelligent enough
to spot host down, and just send a 'host down' alert rather than alerts for
all the services on that host?  Also, if you put scheduled downtime on a
host, surely it should automatically stop the service checks suring this
time and notifications for services as well?  As far as I can see, even
though the host is in downtime, the service checks keep going (and of course
send out alerts...)

I though of setting a 'ping' service check on the host, and making all other
checks dependent on it, but that seems to me to be more of a workaround than
a solution, and it doesn't fully solve the scheduled downtime problem.

I'm guessing I've just set something up wrong, but I can't see what it is!


Steve Shipway: ITSS, University of Auckland
Email: s.shipway at  Web:  
** We can only discover new oceans when we have the **
** courage to lose sight of the shore.              **
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