check_mailq usage
kollasch.drew at
kollasch.drew at
Mon Apr 26 22:33:07 CEST 2004
Hmm,,,ic. Mqueue does in fact not exist. Could I just make a link to the
mailq program? Or are they totally different animals?
-----Original Message-----
From: Upayavira [mailto:uv at]
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 3:09 PM
To: Drew Kollasch; nagios-users at
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] check_mailq usage
[Note: I am no Nagios guru - I haven't even got my setup to work yet.
Nor have I ever installed a unix mail server. I just know Perl, that's all]
kollasch.drew at wrote:
>I included the output of the mailq command at the top before the
>error...but here it is again
If I do /usr/bin/mailq, I get:
/var/spool/mqueue is empty
Total requests: 0
Now the check_mailq script first looks for the phrase "mqueue" in a
line. In that line, it looks for either "empty", or a number. If it gets
a number, it checks to see if that number is less than the one it
expects, and sets status details accordingly.
Now, if it doesn't find a line containing "mqueue", it will give
precicely the error you have been getting.
>gentoo1 cron.daily # /usr/bin/mailq
>-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
>DC225A01CB* 51754 Mon Apr 26 14:47:59 MAILER-DAEMON
> emailalert at
>-- 50 Kbytes in 1 Request.
>gentoo1 cron.daily # /usr/bin/mailq
>Mail queue is empty
>The mailq command works perfectly fine on the box. It's the check
>command that does not.
Well, that's because your mailq command is giving out a type of output
that the check command doesn't know how to handle. Are there different
versions of mailq available? I dunno.
You could try this in your perl script (how good is your Perl?):
Find where it says:
if (/mqueue/) {
Replace this all with:
if (/mail queue is empty/) {
$msg = "OK: mailq is empty";
$msg_q = 0;
$state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
}elsif ( /in (\d+) request/ ) {
$msg_q = $1 ;
print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n"
if $verbose;
if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
$msg = "OK: mailq ($msg_q) is below
threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
$state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
}elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
$msg = "WARNING: mailq is $msg_q
(threshold w = $opt_w)";
$state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
}else {
$msg = "CRITICAL: mailq is $msg_q
(threshold c = $opt_c)";
$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
That _might_ convert your check_mailq script into one that will work
with your mailq command.
I make no promises though.
Regards, Upayavira
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Upayavira [mailto:uv at]
>Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 2:32 PM
>To: nagios-users at
>Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] check_mailq usage
>kollasch.drew at wrote:
>>I have since migrated my mail server and my nagios server together
>>(onto the same box) and I still get the same error. IT was suggested
>>that I get the newest one via CVS. I am lost on knowing how to do that
>>though. If there are other ideas/solutions also, please let me know.
>Try at a prompt:
>What do you get?
>Basically, the perl script is expecting either the word "empty" or a
>number on the line that contains "mqueue". But it seems that yours isn't
>doing that.
>>gentoo1 nagios # mailq
>>Mail queue is empty
>>gentoo1 nagios # /usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq -w5 -c10 -v Use of
>>uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
>>/usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq line 110. Use of uninitialized value
>>in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq line
>>110. | mailq =
>>Use of uninitialized value in exit at /usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq
>>line 111.
>>gentoo1 nagios #
>> -----Original Message-----
>> *From:* Drew Kollasch
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2004 3:18 PM
>> *To:* nagios-users at
>> *Subject:* RE: [Nagios-users] check_mailq usage
>> IC...well that's no fun now is it?
>> This machine DOES have a mailq on it, its just not the one that I
>> want to check.
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Drew Kollasch
>> Network/Desktop Technician
>> Buena Vista Regional Medical Center
>> kollasch.drew at
>> 712-732-4455x2153
>> -----Original Message-----
>> *From:* Marc Powell [mailto:marc at]
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2004 3:17 PM
>> *To:* Drew Kollasch; nagios-users at
>> *Subject:* Re: [Nagios-users] check_mailq usage
>> The plugin expects to be run on the machine with the mail
>> queue you want to check. That's probably why it's failing.
>> Like the majority of the plugins that check non-network
>> related items, there is no support for connecting to a remote
>> host to check local stats. You'll need to use a transport
>> mechanism such as NRPE or check-by-ssh.
>> --
>> Marc
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: kollasch.drew at <kollasch.drew at>
>> To: nagios-users at
>> <nagios-users at>
>> Sent: Fri Apr 16 15:00:15 2004
>> Subject: [Nagios-users] check_mailq usage
>> I am attempting to get the check_mailq check to work, but am
>> having some troubles.
>> Executing from the CLI,
>> ...
>> gentoo1 nagios # /usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq -w 5 -c 10
>> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
>> /usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq line 110.
>> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
>> /usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq line 110.
>> | mailq =
>> Use of uninitialized value in exit at
>> /usr/nagios/libexec/check_mailq line 111.
>> ...
>> any ideas? also the mailq that I wish to check IS on a
>> different host, how would I specify that?
>> Thanks in advance.
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